
We uniquely offer content strategy and planning expertise, content development know-how, and years of localization knowledge to bring relevant, impactful, targeted content to all corners of the globe.

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Content strategy

Stop doing work without planning for impact. Content strategy is the what, why, when, and how of your content marketing program. It answers questions like where does your target market go to find info when buying? What kind of content do they need and consume? What do you need your content to do for you? Where should you publish it and how will you promote it? Globia will put together the strategic foundations to drive a content marketing program that grows business.

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Editorial calendar planning

Get it all down on paper so it will actually happen. Once you know the why and the what, Globia builds a tactical plan for creating the content you need.  This is the strategy in action: what types you will create, topics aligned with buyer challenges, cadence of content, and publication channels.  The output of this service is a 3-month content calendar.

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Content production

We help you execute on all that great planning. Via a retainer model, Globia will manage your calendar and create your content such as blog posts, landing pages, campaign emails, customer stories, ebooks, social snippets, video scripts, infographics, and more.  Globia can also manage your writers and agencies, giving them guidance and reviewing their work.

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Content audits and repurposing

Do you want to get 10x return on your content? You can powerfully extend the ROI of your content by reusing and updating it. For example, an ebook becomes 2 blog posts, some social posts, and a video script.  A good older blog post gets updated and drives new traffic. Globia will assess your content for reuse, make recommendations, and create the new pieces. 

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Messaging and positioning strategy

Your content can’t be on point if your messaging and positioning aren’t clear. We work with you to make sure your product offering, differentiation and message is clearly articulated for your target market.


Translation strategy

If you are a global company or plan to become one, then localization is in your future. Globia will help you decide what to translate or localize and figure out when and how to get that done. 

We provide small marketing teams with expert content marketing strategy, precise editorial planning, top-notch content development, and comprehensive translation planning so people all around the word can learn, be inspired, and solve problems with your content.

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